Juniperus scopulorum ‘Skyrocket’ Rocky Mountain Juniper

Plant Size Information



Skyrocket Juniper is an extremely narrow variety of the West Coast native Rocky Mountain Juniper. It has a fast growth rate of 12″+ per year and has a 10 year size of about 12’H x 3’W. Once established, it is very drought tolerant and also does well in poor soil conditions. Requires very little care.



USDA Hardiness Map

Plant Form


Skyrocket Rocky Mountain Juniper is a narrow, columnar variety of the Rocky Mountain Juniper native to western North America. It is an elegant, slender tree and one of the narrowest junipers available.
Its upright branches are tightly compact, and its silvery blue-green foliage retains its beautiful color all year. In the spring, male and female flowers occur on separate plants at the tips of branchlets. Junipers are wind-pollinated, and if a male tree is located nearby, the yellowish female flowers will develop into quarter-inch blue cones (juniper berries) by fall that supply winter food for birds and wildlife. The fragrant, reddish-brown bark has a coarse texture and peels off in shreds.
Skyrocket Juniper grows quickly at more than 12″ per year and will attain 12′ × 3′ in 10 years. It is excellent as a vertical accent at an entryway or corner of a building, in a mixed conifer garden, in a container, or planted in a row as a boundary, windbreak, privacy screen, or living fence. It is also a hardy substitute for Italian Cypress in a Mediterranean-style garden.
Skyrocket Juniper is an easy-care plant that tolerates various conditions in USDA hardiness zones 4 to 9. Full sun brings out its best color, and it grows in any soil—sandy, rocky, clay, moist, or dry—as long as it’s well-draining and near neutral pH. Soggy soil or standing water can cause root rot, so make sure the site for the plant drains well. It is tolerant of road salt, heat, drought, dry soil, and air pollution and is insect, disease, and rabbit and deer-resistant. It does not do well in areas of high humidity or warm night temperatures, however.
Water regularly after planting for a year while establishing, and then only during extended periods of dry weather. In areas at risk for wildfires, the shredded bark with volatile oils makes it susceptible to burning, so occasional watering and a layer of mulch are helpful to retain moisture and protect the tree. For maximum health, fertilize once in the spring and the fall.
Companion plants need the same cultural conditions of full sun, soil, drought tolerance, and hardiness zones as Skyrocket Juniper to thrive nearby. Consider planting conifers of other shapes and sizes together, such as Blue Star or Blue Rug Juniper, Mugo Pine, Dwarf Alberta Spruce, or Hinoki False Cypress.
Ornamental grasses such as Japanese Hakone grass provide a contrasting shape and texture. Varieties of sedum and other perennials, such as salvia, baby’s breath, echinacea, lavender, shasta daisy, and bee balm, supply seasonal color around the tree. Drought-tolerant ground covers, such as periwinkle, creeping phlox, bearberry cotoneaster, ice plant, and bugleweed, carpet the ground with color and texture.
Skyrocket Juniper has many excellent qualities, and with some care and understanding of its requirements, it can be an eye-catching addition to any garden.

Additional information

Weight N/A
Plant Size

#1 Container, #3 Container, #5 Container

Latin Name

Juniperus scopulorum 'Skyrocket'

Common Name

Skyrocket Rocky Mountain Juniper

Sun Exposure


Annual Growth


HxW@10 Years






Growth Rate


Hardiness Zone

Zones 4-8

Growth Rate



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