
Since so many of the varieties we grow are dwarf or miniature, they do not grow very tall, instead developing into a round or globe-shaped plant. These “globose” conifers stay very low, often growing to be just as tall as they are wide. Typically these forms have quite a dense branching habit. The varieties on this page are more or less globe-shaped, meaning that they will stay fairly rounded, developing a globe shape as they mature. On each product page, a full description as well as additional growth information such as an estimated 10-year size is provided. Find the perfect globose conifer or round tree for your garden by using the search filters on the left to meet your needs.

Globose conifers are often used in landscapes where the ultimate height of a plant is a considerable factor. This particular growth habit allows these varieties to remain low enough that they can be planted near structures or beneath other, taller-growing trees. Globose conifers also make for excellent rock garden plants where an alpine look is desired.

If you are looking for a conifer that can be planted near your home without fear of it growing too large, there is no shortage of choices!

Showing 1–12 of 247 results