Deciduous Conifers

Many people often consider conifers synonymous with evergreens, but there are several genera that actually lose all their needles/foliage in the fall, leaving bare branches through winter! One of the most well-known deciduous conifers is the tamarack or larch (Larix). These species have thin, fairly soft needles that protrude radially from buds along the branches. In fall, larches, dawn redwoods, and other deciduous conifers usually display a beautiful golden-yellow or copper-orange color display. Many deciduous conifers are tolerant of wet or poorly-draining soil. Dawn redwoods (Metasequoia) and bald cypresses (Taxodium) are both particularly useful for growing in wet soils.


For hot and humid locations, the dawn redwoods and bald cypresses are both excellent deciduous conifer choices. Colder climates like the upper midwest and New England can also grow the various species of larch (Larix). Wherever you live, we are happy to help you find the right deciduous conifers for your garden. Just wait until your neighbors think your conifer is dying in fall but comes back in spring! What a surprise!

Showing 1–12 of 15 results