We appreciate the business of our customers, so we reward every purchase over $100 (before shipping) with a nice conifer or maple that grows in their climate and has an interesting form, growth rate, or color. We aim to make a selection that performs well in the varied climates of each of our customers. Typically, the size of plant selected for smaller orders is in a BP (Band Pot) size, which are 2 or 3-year-old grafts.

Generally, we offer a larger, more specialized option for people that place even larger orders (over $250). These are often 1-gallon plants that are about 4 years old. Here are some of the ones we have offered in the past.

About once or twice per year, we offer a larger promotion, with a very unique gift plant for even larger orders, typically those in excess of $350. Here are a few previous offerings.

Knowing that some customers cannot grow Japanese maples in their climates, or some customers might prefer conifers, we try to offer a couple options for gift plants. In the past, we either contact the customer once they place their order to ask what gift plant they would prefer, or we simply look at the order and make a determination based on your hardiness zone and what you have ordered. Before the end of the year, we plan to update the website so that the currently-available gift plants will appear at checkout, and you will be able to add it to your order free of charge!
Often we feature special gift plants in our newsletters or blogs. Please subscribe to our newsletters and check Facebook for any special promotions.
For the months of August and September, we will have the following plants available as gift plants!