Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Specimen 2421

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How big does a Bloodgood Japanese Maple get?

The Bloodgood Maple is a fast-growing Japanese Maple tree. In 10 years it grows about 10 feet tall, and 5 feet wide. This beautiful red Bloodgood Maple has been an industry standard for over 50 years in both the US and Europe. 


The leaves of Bloodgood Japanese Maple are large, dark red-purple, and deeply divided lobes with finely toothed edges. The Bloodgood Maple stays red, and holds this rich color far into late summer, especially in full sun. The fall color is bright crimson.

Planting a Bloodgood Maple

Prominent, bright red fruits ornaments the Acer palmatum ‘Bloodgood’ Japanese Maple tree. This fast-growing upright tree at maturity is as wide as tall and should be planted at an appropriate distance from the house. When planting this maple near or at a distance from your house, choose a spot where there is partial shade, or about four hours of perfect unfiltered and direct sunlight every day. These maples love a full bright sun for six hours or more. When planted in shade the maple will give vivid foliage colors. Explore our wide variety of maples, to pair with Bloodgood Maple.

Best Time to Plant this Maple

The best time to plant this Maple tree is typically in the early spring or fall. These seasons provide optimal conditions for the tree to establish its roots before facing extreme weather conditions.

USDA Hardiness Map

Plant Form

Additional information

Latin Name

Acer palmatum 'Bloodgood'

Common name

Bloodgood Japanese Maple

Sun Exposure

Sun/Part Shade



HxW@10 Years




Hardiness Zone

Zones 5-9




Container Size


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